LaSalle General Welcomes our Newest Board Member – Sandra Webster

LaSalle General Welcomes our Newest Board Member - Sandra Webster

During the September 2013 meeting of the Hospital Service District Board of Commissioners, Mr. Harlon Nobles was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for his years of leadership, dedicated service and commitment to the Hospital, Nursing Home and the Community.  Mr. Nobles was appointed to the Board in March of 1991 and served as Chairman since January 2011.

Sandra Webster was appointed to the Board of Commissioners of Hospital Service District #2 of LaSalle Parish.

Hospital Service District #2 of LaSalle Parish Board of Commissioners Members:

Left to Right – Harlon Nobles, Outgoing Chairman; Janice Dosher; Sandra Webster; I.C. Turnley, Jr., MD; Steve Crooks, Vice Chairman; Charles Williams, Chairman